Category: Healthcare

  • So Kaiser Permanente has Google/Doubleclick ad trackers on their site displaying my patient information

    You think you’ve seen everything, but this one is pretty bad… Kaiser is one of the largest healthcare organizations in the US (insurancer and provider). I am a Kaiser member, so I use their website to communicate with my phyisician as they recommend. Today, I log into their website, and read a message from my…

  • The best seasonal allergy medicine is … and here is the proof

    It’s actually not a medicine. It’s better: It’s an air filter. Over 30 years of allergies, and two continents, no allergy doctor ever mentioned air filters to me, but it makes all the difference in the world. And has no side effects, other than a little bit of noise and a little bit of electricity…

  • Update on: the Pain in my Butt

    TL;DR: Forget about medical doctors when in musculoskeletal pain; use Google DuckDuckGo, a good chiropractor and systematic exercise. Open-sourcing my condition has been a total flop. Here’s the good news: I’m much better. As you might remember, a couple of months ago I put as many details as I could think of on this blog…

  • Open-sourcing my (literal) Pain In The Butt

    Update 2015-11-06. Imagine you have a painful medical condition, and the doctors aren’t able to help you. What do you do? This is the situation I find myself in. Since March, I have been in almost-constant pain, deep inside my butt, and down my leg. I have seen close to a dozen doctors, physical therapists,…

  • -20 pounds through low-carb: this is too easy

    Losing weight is supposed to be unpleasant, difficult, and in the long term, pretty much impossible unless you spent a lot of energy on being disciplined (and hungry). People even argue that the body is programmed to gain a couple of pounds a year under the best of circumstances. I’ve now found out this is…