Category: Indie Web

  • On Mozilla’s Persona Post-Mortem

    There’s a great summary on the Mozilla wiki about what did and didn’t work about Persona, Mozilla’s attempt at a new identity protocol for the web. (Given the existence of that page, I’m not sure the project continues to be actively pursued? Techcrunch reports that Persona is dead.) Having been in the middle of the…

  • “Own your own words” or they will disappear in 5 years

    Gregory Ciotti gets it exactly right:  Today, Svbtle gave me a great reminder of why I hold this opinion. In their “Open for Everyone” announcement, they let slip a paragraph that should frighten writers everywhere: We’re working on a way to guarantee that your written content will remain available on the web for at least…

  • IndieWeb, POSSE, conversational patterns and this blog

    Tantek finally made me implement on this blog one of the core ideas behind IndieWeb, which is “Publish On Your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere“: instead of posting our writings to other people’s sites, we post it to our own site, from where it can propagate to other places like Twitter, Facebook and the like. In…

  • The “family intranet” — or not

    I talked a bit at the last Homebrew club meeting about setting up various web applications on our home server for use by the family. So far, we’re now using: Owncloud for family notes and a family calendar, which automagically shows up on various PCs, tablets and phones by means of Caldav. Shaarli for bookmarking…