Category: IoT

  • When things go (not quite) web native — thoughts on Mozilla IoT

    Updated 2018-11-07 with a few clarifications from Kathy Giori on the Mozilla IoT team. The Internet-of-Things landscape is a mess. Everybody is trying to build the dominating IoT castle in the cloud, collecting (and almost never giving back) as much user data as possible; user wishes and needs be damned. It’s no surprise that consumer […]

  • What’s interesting about Lunera’s smart lamp #IoT platform

    As some of you know, I had been on contract as the senior systems architect for a company called Lunera from last year until this summer. Today they finally announced the vision and product that I helped create, starting with the very first git checkin of the code running on the lamps! We’ll see how […]

  • Scripting the colorful LEDs in my office

    Finally, Wireshark to the rescue, I got my LimitlessLED home office RGB LEDs scripted. In plain English: I can now send commands from a computer to my lights via WiFi and their base station, and they will turn on or off or red or blue or bright-white or “party” or whatever. While I previously could […]

  • The 2nd Raspberry Pi in the House Now Controls a Closet Fan

    When I remodeled my home office last year, I put a (bathroom) fan into the ceiling of the server closet. This would allow the heat from the servers leave the house via the attic, without heating my office up too much in the summer. It gets quite a bit a sun and heat even without […]

  • The pool timer now runs on a RPi 3

    My backyard pool timer has now been running continuously for over four years. Based an original Raspberry Pi 1 model B, which — truth be told — always was a horrible piece of hardware engineering. (SD Card sticking out? Not enough power to drive WiFi over USB? Really?) So as of today, it has been […]