Some things not to do when applying for a job …
I’ve been going through a thick stack of engineering resumes recently. Here are my notes about what not to do when applying for a job at NetMesh; well, I think few hiring managers will disagree with much of what I’m saying here. One typo can happen in a resume. Three or more automatically disqualify you,…
Speaking at PC Forum — again
Esther Dyson invited me to join the roundtable she’ll host at the upcoming PC Forum on: The accountable Net: Trust, reputation and identity Other participants will be from TRUSTe, Karmaphere, Attentiontrust as well as Verisign and Microsoft. I quite enjoyed being on a panel last year at PC Forum and feel honored to be on…
Speaking at Microsoft’s Mix ’06
While we’re on the subject of conferences, I’m also going to speak at Mix ’06, Microsoft’s "72-hour conversation" on technology in Las Vegas. I’ll be joining Kim Cameron and a few other people on a panel titled: Today’s Identity Crisis, and the Identity Metasystem on Tuesday, March 21, at 1:30 pm. Thanks, Kim, for having…
O’Reilly Etel
Just looked through the program. This is going to be an interesting conference … thanks Surj for having me.
Talk at O’Reilly’s ETel conference in January
I will give a talk at the new O’Reilly “Emerging Telephony Conference” on January 26, 2006, at the San Francisco Airport Marriot. Here is the summary: Indentity Crisis: Namespaces Out of Control – Johannes Ernst, Netmesh/Yadis.org Date: Thursday, January 26th, 2006 Time: 11:30am – 11:45am Location: Grand Ballroom A-F In the old days, all we…