Great Event at the SD Forum Collaboration SIG This Evening
Either the audiences are getting better, or I’m getting better at explaining it (or maybe we’re all learning in parallel), but this evening’s discussion on "Why User-Centric Digital Identity Matters" at the SD Forum’s Collaboration SIG was great. Thanks, everybody, who participated and had lots of questions; I like those events particularly. Nothing worse than…
Announcing OSIS: a “Historic Development” (ZDNet)
With the title "OSIS links Internet identity systems", Phil Windley reports from the Harvard/Berkman Identity Mashup Conference this week in on ZDNet. On the subject of our announcement of OSIS, he says: OSIS is more than just a small project to build open source identity selectors for Microsoft’s CardSpace (formerly InfoCard); after all, that’s been…
Great Speaker List for the Harvard Law School / Berkman Identity Mashup Conference Monday
Looking through the conference program (15 MB PDF) for the conference that starts Monday, I’m quite impressed by the list of speakers: Hal Abelson, Professor of Computer Science, MIT, and WWWC Ben Adida, PhD student at MIT Derrick Ashong, ASAFO Media, LLC Walter Bender, MIT Media Lab Derek Beres, Journalist Carl Bergstrom, University of Washington…
Identity at PC Forum and Mix ’06
Attending both of these conferences within a week of each other, this is a study in contrasts. PC Forum caters largely to the technology establishment (if there is such a thing), VP level and above, with a sprinkling of entrepreneurs like myself. Its value is in providing a venue in which people, many of whom…
Arrived at PC Forum 2006
On the plane down, I happened to sit next to Ted Cho, the CEO of Opinity. They are of course building a reputation system, and we had a lot of things to talk about where reputation meets URL-based, user-controlled identity. Stepping into Alamo, I stoood in a long line right behind Dave Winer. That gave…