Category: Personal

  • We Want Root

    When you buy an iPhone, do you actually get to own it? Apple is doing its darnedest to make changes impossibe that you might want to do but that they don’t approve of, even after you paid a lot of money for the device. Does not sound like ownership to me. It wasn’t always that…

  • The Charlie Hebdo attack: time to declare my values again

    Here’s what I believe: You have a right to your opinion, whatever it may be. I have a right to my opinion, whatever it may be. You have a right to state your opinion, but not to shout it into my ear. I have the right to not listen to your opinion. I have a…

  • Human visual processing speed vs short-term memory access speed

    Here’s an interesting experiment about human information processing, featuring me, myself and some Christmas songs. Every Christmas season, I pull out a little book of Christmas songs and play some of them on the piano. Because I play those songs only once a year, and then only a few times, I don’t remember much about…

  • In praise of my MacBook Pro

    I’ve owned Macs, continuously, since 1992, when I got an LC II. Even through the dark years when my PowerBook 5300 seemed to be in the shop more often than it was usable. My most recent MacBook Pro, is undoubtedly the best. I bought it, while on vacation in Italy, on-line within hours of when…

  • What’s the opposite of the Web 2.0 architecture?

    Dave Winer was nice enough to respond to my question: So what do you call this architecture where your data is on your site, running the code you want, with your own terms with a full blog post titled My Architecture is called RSS.  I guess I should have seen this coming ;-) but I…