Category: Personal

  • Raspberry PI Pool controller upgrade

    My Raspberry PI-based pool controller has been running our pool pumps faithfully for the past 18 months. Every morning, it switches the two pumps on (first one, then the other), and runs them for a few hours (switching them off in reverse sequence). It is really nice to sit out on the deck, go to…

  • IndieWebCamp San Francisco this Friday and Saturday

    Last June, I went to IndieWebCamp Portland, and had a blast: a few dozen alpha geeks were demonstrating their latest projects, most of which have to do with wrestling control of their own data from various on-line silos, and using that data in innovative ways on their own site. In other words, right down my…

  • Personal data is difficult even when baking Christmas cookies

    When talking about personal data, usually it all sounds very noble and sophisticated. The use cases are advanced and complex. But the problem definitely is real and difficult to solve for even the most mundane situations. Case in point: baking Christmas cookies. We have a new recipe we found on-line for Lemon Cookies. Let’s say…

  • Home server step 5: deploy Shaarli via Indie Box

    I’ve wanted to migrate off delicious for a long time. Now that I’ve rebuilt my home server with Indie Box, I can. And it was reeeaaaaallllly easy: First I created a server DNS alias, by adding this to /etc/hosts: ( is my home domain. And dnsmasq is picking it up right from /etc/hosts…

  • Home server step 4: make it an Indie Box!

    Here comes the fun part. Let’s make it an Indie Box! If you don’t know, the Indie Box Project makes it much, much easier to install and maintain web applications on all sorts of Linux devices, from the Raspberry PI to fairly capable servers like my home server. I’ve been really wanting to take some…