Category: Personal

  • How Personal Clouds are Different — User Control

    As the personal cloud community grows, I’m often asked how Personal Clouds are different from other kinds of clouds. One of the most important differences is who has control. Let me pick on Facebook as a representative (non-personal) cloud company in comparison. This comparison would certainly true for many other cloud companies in both the…

  • My slides from the second Personal Cloud community gathering

    … are here. The Personal Clouds wiki has a summary of the event here. Thanks, Drummond!

  • First personal clouds meeting tonight!

    Thanks, Adrian and Kaliya and Adam, and everybody who has been helping to organize tonight’s very first Personal Clouds community gathering in San Francisco. There’s been so much interest that we have a waiting list! It’s clear the time has come for cloud computing to become more personal. When I read a story like this…

  • My Raspberry Pi Pool Timer — Selecting the Parts

    (See post on the why of this project. In this post, I describe how I arrived at the picking the parts that I did, assuming it might be useful for others considering similar projects.) I start by investigating suitable hardware platforms, and quickly figure it will have to be either an Arduino or a Raspberry…

  • My Raspberry Pi Pool Timer — Why

    (There will be more parts.) Here’s my problem: The filter and the sweep of my pool need to be run every day for a few hours. The corresponding pumps are controlled by two electromechanical timers, one of which failed recently after probably more than 20 years of service. (Timer shown to the right.) Turns out…