Upon2020 (archive)

  • Privacy is the new Green

    About forty years ago, something remarkable happened: people across the western world began to realize that just because something has always been done, sometimes it may be better not to do it any more. Just because we’ve always drilled for any oil in the ground that we could find, sometimes it may be better to…

  • Trying out IPFS — it was easy

    Sitting at the decentralized web summit today, there’s lots of talk about IPFS. So I played with it while they were talking. It was much simpler to set up than I thought. Here are my steps: I run Arch Linux (in VirtualBox, on my Mac) pacman -S ipfs-go ipfs daemon & Created a file called…

  • An e/immigrant’s reflections on Memorial Day

    If you grew up in one country, and live in another, both of which repeatedly went to war against each other, Memorial Day is even more depressing. Every country has its own version of why its young and most promising had to die, or were maimed for their lifetimes. Americans have a noble narrative: “to…

  • Two standing desks, programmable lights, bamboo floor and a Raspberry Pi — my remodeled home office

    In January I posted pictures of my gutted home office. Remodeling always take a while, in particular when doing unusual things, but I’m close to being done. So it’s time for some pictures. What unusual things, you say? Let me get to that in a minute and walk you through my new office: 1. Bamboo…

  • Bragging Time

    I’m trying to get fit to hike Mt Whitney in August. Glad to report that my chances are improving: this Sunday, I ran and finished my first-ever half-marathon. Yay! My goals had been to 1) finish, and 2) not finish last. Surprisingly, I did quite a bit better than that: although I am older than…