Tech Titans’ Next Targets: Telcos and Cars
Apple has over $200 billion in revenue, growing 25% a year. Where are the next $50 or $100 billion going to come from? Mobile phones: no, that market is close to saturation. Desktops and laptops? Stagnant. Watch? Certainly not. All of them have room to grow, but not by 10’s of billions of dollars every…
Nest responds to my privacy questions
I had asked Nest/Google support some privacy-related questions about their thermostat. Here is their response (minus the customer service “Your question is important to us” fluff which I deleted). Hotlinks and slightly strange grammar in the original. I’ll analyze it below: Here’s an excellent read on your Privacy Statement. This will tell you all of…
My Question to Nest / Google
Just sent this: I’m considering replacing my thermostat. I’m intrigued by your product, but I am worried about my privacy. Can you point me to a document that describes, in detail, 1. which exact information the thermostat “sends home” to Google or anybody else outside of my home, and under which circumstances, 2. how to…
The Google “Physical Web” Proposal and LID
About ten years ago, I came up with that silly (?) idea that people could be identified with URLs. That those URLs could have particular functionality around them by which anybody — with the right permissions — could interact with them. And that, when people walked around with their mobile devices, those devices could broadcast…
Google, Mail and PGP — but what about the keys?
Techcrunch reports that Google will release a plugin for the Chrome browser that makes PGP-based encryption much easier for webmail users, such as Gmail users. That’s cool! Mozilla, I hope you are right behind! But the article leaves out the most important question: who will have access to the keys? Chances are that Google will…