Tag: indiewebcamp

  • Notes from IndieWebCamp San Francisco 2019

    This is my second IndieWebCamp SF, and Nth IndieWebCamp in total (where N probably > 4 ). Tantek is hosting at Mozilla San Francisco. I’m counting about a dozen people so far. I’ll keep adding during the day(s). Just hosted an excellent session, if I may say so, asking: what are the core technology choices…

  • Indie Industries?

    It’s “writing hour” before the Homebrew Website Club aka Indie Web Camp Light at Mozilla in San Francisco. I’ve been wondering a lot about “Indie” stuff lately. Obviously, there’s my Indie Box Project, and Indie Web Camp, but also Indie Phone and others. “Indie” seems to be everywhere all of a sudden. Has the time…

  • IndieWebCamp San Francisco this Friday and Saturday

    Last June, I went to IndieWebCamp Portland, and had a blast: a few dozen alpha geeks were demonstrating their latest projects, most of which have to do with wrestling control of their own data from various on-line silos, and using that data in innovative ways on their own site. In other words, right down my…