VMWare, Identity and User-Centricity in the Enterprise

Lots of good commentary on VMWare’s new Horizon App Manager today, which is what their Tricipher acquisition seems to have turned into. The phrase that struck me the most — thus this post — was Krishnan‘s description at CloudAve:

a user-centric management service for accessing cloud applications from any device.

It clearly is user-centric: it brings together the apps a user might want to run, and lets them get at them with a single click. But it is the opposite of the user-centricity model so far prevalent in identity circles:

In the CardSpace / i-Card etc model, the wallet would contain cards for each identity, from which the user would select which one to use with a given app. In the VMware model, it’s the other way round: the “wallet” contains apps, from which the user chooses, and authentication is automatic. Which one is going to be more powerful?