Author: Johannes Ernst
Doc on Freedom vs. Tracking
As usual, he nails it: I am a customer. I am not data. I do not wish to yield personal data, even if anonymized, to anybody other than those with whom I have a fully consenting, non-coercive and respectful relationship. I do not wish to receive offers as a matter of course, even if machines…
Comparing Raspberry PI, BeagleBone, Mirabox and Wandboard
Came across this post about using the Unix command-line calculator as a quick way to do a CPU benchmark. So I ran it to calculate Pi to 500 digits on various devices I had lying around the house. Take the results with several grains of salt, this was a one-off, and not very scientific at…
My WiFi scale messages me: “we machines are ready to take over”
Got this e-mail yesterday: Hi Johannes.Ernst, Your Aria battery level is low. Replace your batteries as soon as possible. Your Aria scale is powered by 4 standard 1.5V AA batteries. This type of battery can be found wherever batteries are sold. To replace the batteries in your Aria… It took me a little while to…
X.509 certs are less secure than you might think
This post is prompted by T.Rob’s recent post “We’re gonna need a bigger crowd” where, among other things, he talks about X.509 certificate security. I agree with the core point of his post – crowd-sourcing is ineffective for highly specialized subjects – but this X.509 subject keeps coming up. It is one of the rare…
Happy to be on high-powered law school panel on internet privacy
When deciding to become an engineer, I’d never have thought just how broadly one can get involved in things beside making cool new stuff: I’ll be one of the panelists in a high-powered debate organized by Concord Law School at Quadrus in Palo Alto, on Saturday, June 8th. The debate is on “Balance of Public…