Author: Johannes Ernst
Between here and 2020: economic headwinds or worse
You and I and everybody we know, we all think we own a bit of money. It must be true, because we worked hard for it, we put it into the bank, and there it is. It says so on the bank statement. Some have a bit more money, some less, but there’s something. If…
ProductsIWant: A VRM Experiment
One of Vendor Relationship Management‘s most appealing ideas is what Doc Searls calls “intent casting“: the (public) announcement by a customer to want to purchase something, so vendors can start competing for the business. Could this idea also be applied to products that don’t exist yet? Let’s start an experiment: Going forward, when I come…
ProductsIWant: a networked indoor pollen and dust meter
It’s allergy-season. This weekend the pollen forecast is going from yellow to red. I keep windows and doors closed as much as possible. I also have an indoor air filter, which — never mind what the allergy doctors say — is more effective than any allergy pills. Nevertheless stuff comes in. I’d like to figure out where…
How Personal Clouds are Different — Subject-oriented, not service-oriented
This is obviously heresy. For years, there has been broad agreement across the entire IT industry that “services” (in the sense of software-as-a-service, APIs etc) are the fundamental building blocks to create things, and that every piece of software that isn’t already service-oriented will either die or have to be re-architected immediately to avoid irrelevance.…
How Personal Clouds are Different — User Control
As the personal cloud community grows, I’m often asked how Personal Clouds are different from other kinds of clouds. One of the most important differences is who has control. Let me pick on Facebook as a representative (non-personal) cloud company in comparison. This comparison would certainly true for many other cloud companies in both the…