Category: Cloud
How Personal Clouds are Different — Subject-oriented, not service-oriented
This is obviously heresy. For years, there has been broad agreement across the entire IT industry that “services” (in the sense of software-as-a-service, APIs etc) are the fundamental building blocks to create things, and that every piece of software that isn’t already service-oriented will either die or have to be re-architected immediately to avoid irrelevance.…
How Personal Clouds are Different — User Control
As the personal cloud community grows, I’m often asked how Personal Clouds are different from other kinds of clouds. One of the most important differences is who has control. Let me pick on Facebook as a representative (non-personal) cloud company in comparison. This comparison would certainly true for many other cloud companies in both the…
My slides from the second Personal Cloud community gathering
… are here. The Personal Clouds wiki has a summary of the event here. Thanks, Drummond!
First personal clouds meeting tonight!
Thanks, Adrian and Kaliya and Adam, and everybody who has been helping to organize tonight’s very first Personal Clouds community gathering in San Francisco. There’s been so much interest that we have a waiting list! It’s clear the time has come for cloud computing to become more personal. When I read a story like this…
Personal Cloud Architecture
Updated 2012-11-01 based on discussion on the Personal Clouds mailing list. See also Phil Windley’s comments. Last week’s IIW, as usual, facilitated a lot of interesting discussions including on the subject of Personal Clouds. It was the prompt for me to sit down and draw an “architecture” for Personal Clouds, which is consistent with the…