An inkling of the (hot) future — Silicon Valley’s power may be switched off tomorrow
Add the normal: no rain in California in the summer; and the new-with-global-warming normal: drier grasslands and forests due to hotter temperatures; stronger, extremely dry winds; and you get extreme danger of wildfires of the type that leveled Paradise, CA, last year: 70,000 acres in 24 hours, if memory serves, and dozens of dead. So…
IndieWebCamp San Francisco this Friday and Saturday
Last June, I went to IndieWebCamp Portland, and had a blast: a few dozen alpha geeks were demonstrating their latest projects, most of which have to do with wrestling control of their own data from various on-line silos, and using that data in innovative ways on their own site. In other words, right down my…
Personal Clouds mailing list
From the list overview: Cloud computing today typically means that we have to hand over our data to big companies who decide which features they give us (and sometimes force on us), and who can and do unilaterally change their terms of service on us whenever they like. What if instead, we could each have…
Community Tools Must Evolve With Their Communities: Lessons from ElggCamp
Elgg is a rather interesting, open-source, highly customizable social networking application. While it’s not all that known by the general public, all sorts of organizations — from schools to non-profits and brands — use it to set up social networks for their customers, students, and stakeholders, at their own website using their own brand. I’m…