Category: Technical

  • There’s room for lots of Raspberry Pi alternatives

    My Pool Timer is working fine in the back yard. It’s really cool to drive it from a web browser, and track when it’s running graphically. The Raspberry Pi is working fine. But, the Raspberry Pi is really not the answer for this kind of project. In fact, I’m not entirely sure what project the…

  • Some notes on Linux memory usage

    Always felt that ps and top were largely useless to tell anything meaningful about memory usage. Here are some links to more useful tools: Stackoverflow: A way to determine a process’s “real” memory usage, i.e. private dirty RSS? Find out what is using your swap Memory usage with smaps (the script seems to have moved…

  • More on REST

    One of my pet-peeves … fortunately the SOAP vs. REST debates are largely over, with SOAP fading into the history books. But REST is still misunderstood, and sadly so. Steve Klabnik has the latest great REST explanation. Coincidentally we implemented some ideas in InfoGrid for what he says is missing in REST, such as content…

  • Curl broken in OSX?

    Wasted two hours today attempting to HTTP POST some content with a client certificate using curl on OSX Snow Leopard. It somehow would not show its cert to the Apache server. In an act of desparation, I tried the exact same command with the exact same client certificate on Linux, and it worked. So I…

  • A New Bumper Sticker?

    Mind you, the NoSQL community still has a lot of work to do, years and years of work, InfoGrid and many other NoSQL technologies non-withstanding. But I remember that when I first heard about what SQL is and what it does (particularly, what it can’t do), I thought: “this can’t be true. How many billions…