Category: Technical

  • A cool research project for somebody aspiring with a 3D printer

    Back in the days when I went to (the German equivalent of) high school, we had to write the famous “Facharbeit”: a thesis in the field of your specialization for which you had a whole year. I wrote about infrared remote controls and built a bunch of electronics — which was great fun, except that…

  • Simple Notes on RSA encryption with Python’s Cryptography module

    I might as well publish my notes. First, about RSA: You need three numbers and calculate the rest. p and q must be (large) primes. They need to be secret. e needs to be chosen so that a certain function (that indirectly depends on p and q) evaluates to 1. e becomes public. You calculate…

  • Notes on Postgresql authentication

    My notes on what I learned, so I can re-read them when I need to. And because they might be useful for somebody else, too, I post them here. Architecture: Completely unlike MySQL, Postgresql authentication is (can be) related to the Linux user accounts on the system. By default, after a fresh installation, at least…

  • Paradux: a scheme to recover from maximum personal data disaster

    The recent California wildfires got me thinking: if my house and my town burned down so quickly that I did not have time to grab even my laptop or document binder, how would I recover my data, my accounts and my passwords? I’m not sure I could. I wrote about that earlier. Other calamities not…

  • Local network services for IoT devices could be a game changer

    Peter Hoddie, principal and prime mover at Internet of Things startup Moddable picked up my recent piece on why we need an Indie IoT and expanded on it. Some choice quotes: Johannes describes an “Indie IoT.” His vision is appealing. He believes users should be in control of the devices … in control of the…