Category: Technical

  • We need to solve Credential Recovery once and for all

    [Update: I now have a proposal for how to solve this: Paradux] First we picked a good password, which we reused for many sites all over the web. Some of those sites were broken into, so the bad guys got their hands on our passwords and promptly impersonated us all over the web. Reusing passwords…

  • Own a Mac? Know Unix/Linux? Like to be baffled?

    Then do this: find ~ -name DataVaults # Note what it says, then ls -al ~/Library/Containers/ Mysterious, isn’t it? The explanation seems to be here.

  • How might my temperature-driven attic fan look in a Web-of-Things world?

    Context When I remodeled my home office, I moved the servers into a closet to get them out of the way. That closet can get quite warm, particularly in the summer. To get the heat out and the servers running, I cut a hole into the ceiling of the closet, and added bathroom ceiling fan…

  • When things go (not quite) web native — thoughts on Mozilla IoT

    Updated 2018-11-07 with a few clarifications from Kathy Giori on the Mozilla IoT team. The Internet-of-Things landscape is a mess. Everybody is trying to build the dominating IoT castle in the cloud, collecting (and almost never giving back) as much user data as possible; user wishes and needs be damned. It’s no surprise that consumer…

  • Programming languages I have used

    Reminiscing, I thought it would be fun to make a list of all programming languages that I’ve used to make something useful over the years. (This does not count languages I evaluated or played around with but never produced some useful program with, or languages which aren’t Turing complete: so no HTML etc) More or…